The Houston Healthcare Initiative web site is an aggregator of health news, healthcare pricing information, and resources for those who want to help drive reform for the healthcare industry. HHI’s emphasis for reform is on free market innovation and personal responsibility. Click here to join the conversation!
Want to see the health care pricing results in a list? The list below can be displayed in a list format by clicking on the list icon on the right side of the list.
Texas Pediatric Specialists and Family Sleep Center
Initial Consultation $325
Follow up $200-300
EEG $300
Alex Lechin, MD & Dean Nasser, MD
New Patient visit: $150
Follow up visit: $90
Spirometry: $60
Stress test: $80
Sleeps study, 2 nights: $1250
(Includes a free CPAP machine & supplies)
Luis Chug, MD
New Patient Visit: $100-190
Follow up Visit: $45-150
Spirometry: $40
Doctor will attend patients in hospital