November 3, 2020 – Is it possible to get good health insurance coverage in 2021 and save money on treatments, prescription drugs and the policy too? The answer according to Dr. Steven Goldstein, founder of the Houston Healthcare Initiative and respected neurologist, is yes. On his regular podcast Dr. Goldstein, describes how this could work. The Houston Healthcare Initiative podcast is heard on SoundCloud, Libsyn, iHeart Radio, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Pod Cast Addict, Back Tracks and the Houston Healthcare Initiative web site.
The Virtues of Catastrophic Policies
So called ‘catastrophic’ health insurance policies come with high deductibles and limited coverage for office visits, tests or prescription drugs. These may be the perfect way to remain insured and provide an outlet for savings and that is to pay cash and ignore the deductible. “When people pay cash, they will be charged less than what the insurance company has to pay on the same claim,” Dr. Goldstein told his listeners. “Many doctors and specialists actually prefer cash which is why they usually charge less.”
Does This Apply To The Deductible?
When paying cash and the lower price offered for it, does this apply to the annual deductible amount? “No, the cash price will not apply, but for most who will never meet the deductible amount, it really does not make any difference,” Dr. Goldstein said. “Remember the reason for buying catastrophic insurance, it is in case of a catastrophe. Even if in one year you would’ve met the deductible otherwise, the money you save in other years will more than make up for it.”
About the Houston Healthcare Initiative
Dr. Steven Goldstein is a Houston based neurologist. He founded the Houston Healthcare Initiative and is an advocate for common sense solutions to the healthcare crisis that confronts the citizens and residents of the United States of America.